(317,93 €, ΦΠΑ 0)

Indiana Paddle & Surf - Live on the water
To be on the water – that’s what we live for and that’s what we work for. Our ambition: to put the best boards under the feet of our customers and to hand them the best paddles. There is no magic involved: Our gear is the result of dedication, curiosity, courage of our perfectly matching team of athletes, shapers, product designers, graphic designers, manufacturers, logisticians, IT specialists – each of them does, what he or she does best and each of them is indispensable.
We are where our boards are. We talk to those who paddle and ride them as well as to those who sell them. We are in touch with our customers and the market and we react immediately, when we come across a detail we can improve. We don’t copy – we innovate.
Surfing and paddling is about balance. We are constantly seeking the balance when developing our products: the balance between weight and stiffness as well as between price and performance.
We need clean water and a healthy planet. That’s why we commit ourselves for Greenwater Day and the Surfrider Foundation. Producing and shipping our products consumes resources. The longer a product is fun to use, the smaller its ecological impact is in relation to time. That’s why we emphasize quality and durability.
Also the people who make our boards and paddles have the right to fair working conditions. Several times a year, we visit the factories in East Asia where the Indiana products are manufactured. Buildings, procedures, working hours and salaries – we totally endorse what we see there.
We feed on the fun you have on our boards. Share your emotions with us: on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Enjoy your time on the water. Every minute of it is precious – and no one can take it away from you.