(107,49 €, 付加価値税 0)

Stale Finsrud with Naval engineer background, has over the years invented several products. The idea to develope Rodrig began in 2010 after an expidition together with 6 others. We started at the shore of Inari lake in Finland, through the lapland wilderness and finally arrived Kirkenes with 3 Ally canoes and a kayak. This became a strenuous trip with little time to fish from shore and trolling from the canoe was the best option. Unfortunately we did not have any good solution for mounting the fishing rods. We did have one Berkley holder mounted on a plywood board which worked fine enough , but it was heavy and bulky to carry on a trip.
In the spring of 2013 I purchased an Alpacka Denali Lama (inflatable raft) for lightweight hiking and fishing. When the boat arrived, I discovered soon some major challenges with fishing and trolling from this boat. There were simply no way of mounting a fishing rod! And especially using the boat fitted with the spray deck, there was nowhere to keep the rod when paddling. After some discussions with Packrafting.com (distributor of Alpacka rafts in Norway) I initiated to start the development of a proper rod holder for these boats. After months of testing different prototypes and materials, finally RODRIG was launched as a product late summer 2013. We are now selling the product trough diefferent stores in Norway and new dealers and distributors are welcome world-wide!