商品説明This short-barreled version of our DD4 RIII comes with an 11.5" Government- profile barrel for maximum maneuverability and a Carbine length gas system for smooth, reliable cycling. Its fully ambidextrous lower offers right- and left- handed shooters with even more flexibility and control, while a 10.5" RIS III rail provides reduced weight and easy attachment/detachment of M-LOK accessories.
+ 11.5"free-floatingGovernment-profilebarrel&Carbinelengthgas system for increased maneuverability
+ Fullyambidextrouslowerenablesshootertooperateimportantrifle mechanisms without moving dominant hand from rifle grip
+ 10.5"RISIIIRail—modeledaftertheRISIItwo-piecehandguard developed for SOCOM— features M-LOK attachment for lighter weigh
大体の商品の大きさ、または製品パッケージの大きさは 1090 x 280 x 105 mm.
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- 電子請求書 (企業・団体のみ)
ガンアクションItselataava kertatuliバレルの長さ12,5"口径5,56 NATO,
.223 Rem
重量2.7 kg(製品パッケージ込 5.604 kg)