Oletko Viranomainen? Meiltä 10% Viranomais­alennus lähes kaikkiin tuotteisiin - Katso ohjeet »

The long and dark winter is soon behind

It's an annual joy here in the North when we are having the day getting longer than the night.  Sunlight increases and because of daylight saving time procedures we switch into summer time this weekend - meaning one more hour of brightness into the evenings! It feels refreshing to have the sun up after office hours and enjoying the possibility to have some outdoor fun during daylight.

This is the last weekend of March, and April is on it's way. The temperature rises and the day is longer than the night. This calls for actions regarding season change in our shop: We have now gathered the last winter items together and placed a very tempting end-of-season SALE price on them. Note, that once these seasonal products are sold off,  more products are not available until next winter.

Here we go: please find the best deals sorted into easy to review bunches:

In addition to thick winter clothes we also have included other clothing to the sale as well: long johns, basic outdoor wear etc:

The rest of our winter boots are very easy on the pocket:

Heated vests for multiple purposes:

That was all for this week, next time we'll have a little Easter fun in our newsletter. Stay tuned!

As a reminder, we update our clearance- and sale selection frequently. There's a chance to make especially excellent deals:



Just to let you guys know, that our shop in North-West Helsinki is open normally, if you are close by and want to come shopping in person:
Mon-Fri 10-20, Sat 10-18 and Sun 12-18.

Kind regards,
Varuste.net staff

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