Evaluare generală | (5 recenzii) |
The Eberlestock Gunslinger Pack™ is an excellent organizational tool. The layout of its compartments, with a large and a small tuck-pocket on the outside, two small accessory compartments, a mid-size compartment in the top-pack, and a large main compartment that has both top and full side-access, lets you load the pack with your gear in a way that makes it predictable to locate whatever items you need immediate access to. You can add external mag pouches and accessory pouches virtually anywhere on the pack. On top of this, there is really no way to adequately describe the superiority of this weapons carriage system over the standard shoulder sling. For scout/snipers, it's a great alternative to a drag bag, and provides unparalleled versatility, agility, and mobility, with rapid access to your firearm.
The pack is compact and excellent for rappelling. SWAT Teams will find it useful for carriage of both primary and secondary weapons. Features include full side access to the main compartment, hydration bladder housings, multiple pockets with varied sizes and configurations, fully padded harness and back padding, and external compression straps.
Evaluare generală | ☆☆☆☆☆ |
Rucsacul merge cu o pușcă (țeava de 51 mc) cu amortizor + echipament de expediție pentru o zi, cu puțină reglare și un buzunar suplimentar pentru rucsacuri săptămânal. Se poarta bine si acest model mai vechi este mai bun decat cel nou dupa parerea mea datorita fermoarului lateral, care face usor accesul la lucruri din exterior. Minus pernele de tip fagure, unde se blochează acele etc.