Celkové hodnotenie | (9 hodnotenia/hodnotení) |
Lofoten Trek Camp is the spacious big brother of the Fjellheimen Trek Camp, with extra ceiling height, oor width and a large front opening enabling you to enjoy the views even when it is raining. The poles in the inner tent are of equal length, which allows you to utilize the internal tent space to the fullest. The spacious front vestibule provides plenty of space when preparing meals, and for storing your equipment. The aerodynamic tent shape gives good stability in the wind, and is easy to set-up when you're on your own. The upper air vent is just outside the inner tent door, in order to minimise condensation during cooking.
Lofoten Trek Camp is a practical, spacious and robust tunnel tent that provides lots of comfort.
Poles: Yunan Pressfit (48 cm sections)
Fabric outer tent: Helsport Rainguard® FR, 3000 mm
Fabric inner tent: Helsport Airflow FR
Fabric floor: Helsport Rainguard® FR, 5000 mm
Helsport Airflow FR:
The inner tent fabrics we use in our TREK tents are Polyester with WR/FR coating, which makes the fabric water repellent, fire retardant and highly breathable. Polyester does not absorb moisture and dries quickly. It weighs only 60g/m2.
Helsport Rainguard® FR, 3000 mm:
For our TREK-tents and lavvus we use a specially developed polyester, Helsport Rainguard®, which has a water column of minimum 3000 mm. The polyester is constructed to keep the ysheet
tight even under changing weather- and temperature conditions. It also comes in a fire retardant edition, FR, used in tents and lavvus making it possible to safely use open flames inside.
Helsport Rainguard® FR, 5000 mm
Used in Trek tents and lavvu: with polyurethane instead of silicone, to allow flame retardant treatment.
Celkové hodnotenie | ☆☆☆☆☆ |
Celkové hodnotenie |
+ Veľmi priestranný pre dvoch, vhodný pre troch. Skutočne dobré vetranie. Pekné vrecká: 3 vrecká na drobnosti na každej strane. Veľké dvere. Zipsy vysokej kvality. Ochlaďte aj v letných horúčavách prvýkrát. Farba a dizajn červených klinov sú všeobecne príjemné.
- Trochu trápne navliecť stanové oblúky, vyžaduje to prax a trpezlivosť. Aj tupé konce klinu sú ostré.
= Hodnota za peniaze chvályhodná, naozaj mám pocit, že som dostal hodnotu za peniaze. Je pravda, že nákup spodnej bielizne sa zvažuje s cieľom predĺžiť jeho životnosť.