Celkové hodnotenie | (8 hodnotenia/hodnotení) |
Lofoten Pro Camp is the new all-round king of the mountain, with a perfect combination of weight, volume and smart solutions. Lofoten Pro Camp is a practical, spacious and very robust tunnel tent offering low weight and high comfort for trips in all seasons. Despite its low weight, it has plenty of volume and height. The inner tent has mosquito netting, and it's easy to cook and store equipment in the large vestibule. This vestibule can also be fully opened, providing good views and effective ventilation, even in the rain.
The aerodynamic design provides excellent stability in high winds, and is easy to set up when you're on your own. 4-season ventilation and durable materials make this tent perfect for year-round adventures.
Poles: DAC Featherlight NSLTM (36 cm sections)
Fabric outer tent: Helsport Rainguard® Pro, 3000 mm
Fabric inner tent: Helsport Airflow Pro
Fabric floor: Helsport Rainguard®, 5000 mm
Helsport Rainguard® Pro:
For the rest of the PRO and X-TREM tents we have developed a solid outer tent fabric. It is over eight times more durable and tear resistant than normal fabrics, woven with the nest thread and coated on both sides with silicone. Naturally this fabric also features strong resistance to UV-rays and excellent fabric stability under changing weather and temperature conditions. It has a water column of minimum 3000 mm. This fabric is also used as a ground sheet for the SuperLight tents.
Helsport Airflow Pro:
The fabrics used in our PRO and X-TREM tents, are light and strong 30D polyester fabrics. The ripstop increases the tear strength and the fabrics are highly water repellent and breathable.
Helsport Rainguard®:
Ground sheets are a critical component of all tents, because they are exposed to additional wear and tear. Helsport ́s ground sheets have a great durability and tear strength. The surface facing down to the ground is coated with silicone, which prevents water penetration and reduces drying time.
Celkové hodnotenie | ☆☆☆☆☆ |
Postavil som zatiaľ len stan, nie skúšobný spánok. V každom prípade to bolo ľahké nastaviť, až na to, že bolo trochu zložité dostať stanové tyče cez ich kanály, ale mohlo to byť preto, že to bolo prvýkrát?! Dnes to bolo lepšie ako na mojom starom Hillegergovi. Mám podozrenie, že tkanina kanála na Hillebergu je trochu hrubšia a tento stan má tenšiu tkaninu, preto sa kolíky trochu ľahšie zasekli. Vzhliadnutie teda trvalo o 2 minúty dlhšie. Keď je hore, je to super pekné, veľa otvorov a vzduchových otvorov. Dobré s lanami a ľahkými stanovými tyčami. Neprišli sme však na najlepší spôsob, ako stlačiť ostré tyče od stanu. Musíte mať hrubé čižmy, aby ste ich stlačili, keďže nemajú "zaguľatený" vrch, ale palice sú ako ostré kríže smerom nahor, čo je tiež trochu ťažké pre úchop. Ale zobral som ďalšiu palicu a zahákol som ju za miešok a potom sa mi ich podarilo vytiahnuť. Vyžaduje si to silné štipky. Vonkajší stan je obrovský a pekný.