Eemann Tech
22 produktov
Celkové hodnotenie | (11 hodnotenia/hodnotení) |
The Eemann Tech Upgrade Kit for GLOCK GEN4 allows you to lighten the trigger pull weight of your GLOCK and extend the magazine catch that allows to reduce the time of magazines reloading.
The Eemann Tech Upgrade Kit for GLOCK GEN3 Small Frame allows you to lighten the trigger pull weight of your GLOCK and extend the magazine catch that allows to reduce the time of magazines reloading.
The GLOCK trigger pull weight is determined springs weight and GLOCK OEM connector 4,5 lbs. (2.0 kg).
Disclaimer: Trigger safety may not function correctly with the full kit installed, as these are competition-grade springs.
Celkové hodnotenie |
Kúpil som ju, aby som zistil, či sa hodí pre miniatúrnu pištoľ Glock 44 a áno, tieto sa k nej hodia okrem pružiny spúšte. Neodporúčam to meniť na dotyčnú pištoľ, pretože potom nevypadne asi každý desiaty výstrel. Ale spúšť v Glocku bola výrazne vylepšená a odporúčam!