Narrow handcuffs in Men's size. Never lose your gloves again with this smart accessory. Usage: Pull the elastic bracelet over the wrist and attach the strap to the handcuff attachment on the gloves. When the glove is removed it hangs safetly on the wrist strap. A highly recommended accessory for lift rides. Sold in pairs.
To attach the handcuff to your glove there has to be an attachment point. Most of our sports gloves come with a handcuff attachment, which is a small, black plastic triangle located inside the cuff. You can also use eyelets or other cloth loops for gloves without the attachment point. We recommend checking your gloves for attachment points prior to purchase. To attach the handcuff to your glove there has to be an attachment point. Most of our sports gloves comes with an intended handcuff attachment, which is a small, black plastic triangle located in the cuff. If your glove is missing this type of attachment it also works with eyelets or other cloth loops. The most important thing is that there is a suitable attachment point on the glove that the handcuff strap can be attached to. Therefore, we recommend that you first check your gloves if they have any attachment points before you purchase this product.
Približná veľkosť zabaleného produktu alebo predajného obalu je 300 x 125 x 100 mm.
Hmotnosť 0,07 kg (spolu s predajným obalom 0,2 kg)
Záruka 12 mes.
Krajina výroby Nemecko
Juho Ä.verified buyer, 5.6.2024
Celkové hodnotenie
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Robia to, čo sľubujú, t.j. nechávajú rukavicu visieť na zápästí, aj keď si ju zložíte z ruky. Toto z nejakého dôvodu chýbalo v štandardnej výbave mojich vlastných rukavíc, ale našťastie som dostal „náhradný diel“!
Anonymverified buyer, 7.3.2024
Celkové hodnotenie
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Pekné putá
Anonymverified buyer, 2.3.2024
Celkové hodnotenie
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V lyžiarskych rukaviciach sú absolútne nevyhnutné, našťastie ich dostanete ako doplnkový doplnok, keď nie sú štandardom vo všetkých modeloch.
Anonymverified buyer, 1.2.2024
Celkové hodnotenie
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Dá sa použiť na akékoľvek rukavice, ktoré majú pútko/pásik atď.
Anonymverified buyer, 21.1.2024
Celkové hodnotenie
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Dobre drží v rukaviciach na kopci. Pripevnenie na rukavice Hestra bolo jednoduché.
Anonymverified buyer, 21.1.2024
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Veľmi šikovný doplnok na majstrovanie v mrazoch. Dokázal vyladiť napríklad rukavice obranných síl do praktickejšieho celku, teda doplnku, ktorý sa hodí ku každej rukavici.