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Winter equipment end-of-season SALE

Nyhetsbrev by Varuste.net / Toimisto-Jorma, 9.3.2023

So. It 's soon time to say goodbye to winter for now.

In order to have room for all the spring goodies we need to speed up our season change with holding a n end-of-season SALE

There's still nice conditions for winter fun, so why not get something new and cool for the rest of the season for a VERY nice price?

Always on point (at least here up North)
In our selection, you can find jackets with synthetic fiber-, natural fiber-, and down filling.

> Read more about synthetic fibres and down as insulation from our article

In addition to winter shoes, don't forget to also have a look at rubber boots and anti-slip shoes. Note that many hiking boots are also on excellent sale prices.

There is currently enough snow for sure. Ski tracks are more or less in mint condition around the country. The only acceptable reason not to go skiing is the lack of skis, although with these prices that problem is easily sorted out.

Check out our ski services: we perform professional maintenance, mounting, waxing and other on site in our store's workshop.

Ride free.
Find all free skiing gear and safety equipment for various needs.

> Freerider equipment checklist and features of avalanche airbags

That's all for now folks.
We very much welcome you to our store to check out, touch and feel our lovely products. If geographical factors are an obstacle/retarder, then let us provide you all the gear you need through our online store. 

Next week we'll be back with new tricks. Until then enjoy ou end-of-season Winter SALE

Kind regards


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