可用性即时发货. Some items of this product are available in our stock. You can order only as many items of this product as we currently have in stock or the amount arriving to us.
商店 (Helsinki): 狩猎运动, 23, 仓库
商品描述 —
显示原文 Barbour Elishaw 宽松衬衫具有永恒的风格和宽松的版型,非常适合日常休闲穿着。
- 宽松版型,舒适休闲
- 正面采用纽扣设计,提供多种造型选择
- 超柔软拉绒棉面料,带来极致舒适
- 适合日常穿着和休闲场合
尺寸和适合度背长:75 厘米
材料100% 纯棉
The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 350 x 250 x 60 mm.
材料Cotton 100%性别Women袖长Long
重量0.208 kg(重量包含任何内包装的重量)
质保12 个月
原产地 印度尼西亚
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