可用性即时发货. You can order only as many items of this product as we currently have in stock or the amount arriving to us. The product will be removed from our product range.
商店 (Helsinki): Trekking, 11, 仓库
商品描述 —
显示原文 来认识一下麦克爸爸吧。比原来的 Helinox Chair One XL 宽敞 40%,重量不到六块腹肌,而且仍然非常便携。来吧,伸展一下。额外的空间看起来很适合你。
- 通风良好,适合炎热的夏季
- 紧凑的尺寸和轻巧的设计方便携带
- 单减震绳杆结构组装简单
- 框架由先进合金 DAC 铝杆制成
- 座椅由 600 编织聚酯制成
- 耐候和抗紫外线
The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 500 x 150 x 150 mm.
重量1.61 kg(包含内包装重量 1.7 kg)
质保60 个月
原产地 Vietnam
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