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ArtikelbeschreibungThe Butterfly MG makes winter play even easier for young kids with the no-hassle, wax-free Multigrip base. Go anywhere with excellent grip from the waxless pattern and the durability of the wood core and cap construction, all packaged together with appealing girls’ graphics and an NIS plate for easy binding mounting.
Length: 90-140cm/10
Sidecut: 58-50-54mm
Weight: 900g/130cm
Binding: NIS Nemo
Core: Multicore with Torsion Cap Construction
Base: Multigrip Wax-Free System
Die geschätzte Größe des verpackten Artikels oder die Größe der Verpackung 1400 x 300 x 300 mm.
Gewicht0,94 kg(Der Artikel hat möglicherweise eine leichte Verpackung.)
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