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ArtikelbeschreibungType: A2B1E1K1P3 D R
The filter in combination with a full-face mask provides reliable protection against solid and liquid aerosols, smokeproducing substances, radioactive particles, bacteria, viruses, vapours of organic and inorganic acids, hydroxides, organic solvents with a boiling point above 65 °C, ammonia, amines, acid gases, agricultural chemical combustion products, tear-producing, irritant, choking, blister and nerve agents, e.g. bromoacetone, CS substance, organic compounds of arsenic, phosgene, hydrogen cyanide, cyanogen chloride, mustard gas, organophosphates – sarin, IVA, VX and other toxic substances, e.g. benzene, toluene, vinyl chloride, fluorine, hydrogen fluoride, sulphur oxides, phosgene, phosphoric acid and its organic derivatives, chloroacetic acid, nitric acid, aldehydes, mixtures of inorganic acids and organic substances, etc.
dimensions d x h 90 x 85 mm
weight 200 g
connection thread STANAG 4155
shelf life 10 years
suitable for HM, FFM
Die geschätzte Größe des verpackten Artikels oder die Größe der Verpackung 100 x 100 x 100 mm.
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