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ArtikelbeschreibungPetromax Buff Leather Apron is a stylish leather apron that protects you and your clothes while cooking with fire. Sturdy leather provides good protection against sparks and splashes and is comfortable to wear. High-quality leather patinates beautifully when used. The apron has a large pocket and a loop for, for example, kitchen towels or barbecue tongs. The neckband and waist strap are well adjustable. Dimensions: 155 x 84 x 1 cm
Die geschätzte Größe des verpackten Artikels oder die Größe der Verpackung 400 x 400 x 60 mm.
Gewicht0,85 kg(mit der Verpackung 0,87 kg)
Garantie12 Monat(e)
Herkunftsland Deutschland
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