Wash-in waterproofing for wet weather clothing, recommended by many outdoor gear manufacturers.
Use Nikwax Tx Direct® regularly to reproof your waterproof, breathable outdoor gear. Simply wash your items in TX Direct (after cleaning them thoroughly with Nikwax Tech Wash) to prolong their usefulness for season after season.
- Adds / renews water repellency and revives breathability
- Prolongs the life of gear and optimises outdoor performance
- Easy to apply - can be used in a washing machine, no tumble drying required
- Will not affect cosmetic appearance
- WaterBased - environmentally friendly, biodegradable, non flammable, non hazardous
- Does not contain fluorocarbons
- 300ml bottle
The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 180 x 60 x 60 mm.
The first experience was not convincing, the crazy rain made the jacket's shoulders a damp color after just a moment. Although it's hard to say how much got through, because the inside gets wet even if you sweat. It gave some degree of protection, but did not guarantee.
Pekka N.verified buyer, 29.1.2024
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Always as safe and functional. Works especially well on CoroText clothes.
Jani J.verified buyer, 24.8.2023
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Easy and good product.
Kari U.verified buyer, 25.10.2022
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Functional, good product
Lauri J.verified buyer, 15.8.2018
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This can only be used in the washing machine with clothes where there is no lining of any kind.
Nickname Gabi7.7.2024
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The strong smell of the detergent is very unpleasant and lingers on my outdoor jacket for a good two weeks after cleaning.
Taneli M.verified buyer, 28.2.2019
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I think the substance worked well and left little to no smell on the clothes, as previous commentators have said.
Nickname Epäherkkä14.12.2016
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Indeed, the substance leaves a strong odor on the garment and, for example, the odor of the treated jacket still adheres to the shirt used under it.
Nickname Pettynyt19.5.2016
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Clothes smell of vinegar after treatment. I really do not recommend!
Nickname Eräilijä6.10.2013
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Nikwax TX. Direct Spray smells bad. After handling, the clothes smell strongly of the solvent, and the smell does not leave even when ventilated. I can't recommend.