Yleisarvosana | (2 arvostelua) |
Skikeillä voit mennä helposti päällystettyjen teiden lisäksi myös maastoon, esim. hiekkapoluille tai -teille.
Jarrumekanismin ansioista pysähtyminen on helppoa ja turvallista. Skikeissä voit käyttää omaa kenkää esim. lenkkikenkää tai vaelluskenkää. Aikuisten Skike-malli sopii kengille joiden koko on 36 - 47.
Valmistajan tuotekuvaus:
The new skike V07 PLUS - a consequent further development of the former skike V07 120. No matter if you are still a beginner in Nordic Skating or already an advanced Cross Skater. The PLUS will meet your expectations by providing a convenient handling and a nice and safe wearing-comfort. Besides, this allrounder is very easy to maintain and bribes by its cool and fancy matt Black & Orange color design.
The V07 PLUS disposes a new designed frame for more stability and safeness as well as new middle stiffening made of fiber-reinforced plastic. An adjustable heel belt enables customized adjustment of each foot size. Quality safety belts and soft pads provide a convenient step into the skike as well as a strong hold and a pleasant wearing comfort.
The skike V07 PLUS comes standard equipped with ROAD STAR-tires (with reinforced casing, up to 7.5 Bar), automatic alignment of front- and rear wheels, new ankle joint bearings with enhanced sliding quality and improved triggers with a 2-piece brake. Serial number + RFID card for product verification. Weight: app. 1,95 kg per skike, shoe sizes 36 to 47 (EU,DE).
Contents: 1 Pair of skike v07 PLUS, 1 manual, 2 wrenches