SaatavuusOsa tämän tuotteen malleista on vapaana varastossamme. Tämän tuotteen toimitusaika on
heti, jos sitä on vapaana varastossamme ja muuten arviolta
14 - 30 vrk tilauksesta. Arvion luotettavuus on hyvä.
Varastotilanne ja saapuvatHaluan ilmoituksen, kun tuotetta tulee lisää varastoon
Tuotteen kuvausDifferent optics on one or more of your hunting guns, various to change absolutely precise, flexible and shockproof.
for example: You’re going to buy a new gun, delivered with Dentler BASIS VARIO! You could use all your perfect working optics you already use in system Dentler BASIS.
Take your Gun, put on the optic, adjust "the weapon" through the Dentler BASIS VARIO. That´s it! After that, you can use all your optics out of your system Dentler BASIS VARIO.
your benefit: You save often more than 50% of the price of a complete weapon in compare without system Dentler BASIS VARIO! You don´t have to buy an expensive rifle scope twice.
the conclusion: All optics, mounted on your weapons, once adjusted, are changeable during your system Dentler BASIS VARIO to use in any constellation.
in practice: You use two, three or more guns with the system Dentler BASIS VARIO, also a good rifle scope, a good sight, maybe something special, mounted on system Dentler BASIS VARIO.
Picatinny / Weaver,
Tikka / Lynx
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